Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Voodoo Ice

I drew this picture on the elevator in the building I work in. I only have a phone on my camera so needless to say, thats the best I've got.

Hell of an intro... Alright, so Conrad has been asking me for weeks to post something on this thing, I'd like to say begging and pleading, but honestly I'm not that self-important. The truth is, every time I start to write something it turns into either me bitching about blogs, or somehow getting caught up looking at synonyms for boners on wikisaurus (seriously,
look it up, it's hilarious and totally safe for work).

So we talked about it, and figured I should share one of the (maybe) three things I know about in this world. Thus, we here at Ugh News are proud to give you our very first podcast. Download it, put it on your iPod or (if you're poor) your crap mp3 player, put your headphones on and go for a nice (little over thirty minute) walk. Enjoy.

Quick tutorial first...
If you are new to this, click the above link and your iTunes should open up and you will see our podcasts in your podcast directory (if you don't have iTunes, your life is a mess, catch up on the last five years you've wasted and download it). once subscribed, you can then download the ones you so desire. once we get this sucker going you can then just "refresh" your podcast directory and the next available podcast will be available. It's really that simple. Have fun.

Written and Podcast by Jason Turner

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