Monday, September 10, 2007

Gimme, Gimme S'mores

Holy shit guys, Britney Spears' is completely FUCKED...

Opening the 2007 VMA's were suppose to stage her “comeback”, instead we just got her back fat, bad lip syncing and “stand heavy” choreography that could have been challenged by any animal at Sea World. Spears' spoiled her opportunity to win our respect and may have finally proven she doesn't deserve another chance.

In case you didn't see, here's her performance.

Ms. Britney was seen all over Las Vegas this weekend at parties and shops, anywhere but her rehearsals and was asked several times by the media if she even thought she'd be ready by Sunday. The answer clearly now, NO!.

Brit looked tiered, out of shape and completely disconnected. That aside from her noticeably excited grin right before a synthesized voice proclaims “it's Britney, bitch!”and it was, whether anyone cares or not is the real question.

According to fellow musicians and attendees at the annual MTV event, like Kayne West, who's album drops Tuesday, the opening spot could have been used by anyone who's actually sold a record in the past 5 years. That's a really good point.

I don't think she's completely done yet. Honestly there's probably too much money invested in her now for anyone to give up, looks like you got your work cut out for you Brit. And no one gives a damn.


Robert Drake said...

I totally agree ....

Jerra Void said...

i really love that my mom is the one to clue me in to this whole thing. i also love the look of "ludes" in her eyes. special-ness.....