Thursday, November 29, 2007

Republicans Act Sooo Republicany

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While the majority of the You Tube Republican debates held yesterday were a match in who was more well, Republicany...

For example: Who would get the closest to supporting torture without having to call it torture? Who would pass the most legislation to fuck over immigrates? Who believes every word in the holy bible (literally a question asked and then answered seriously at a presidential debate)? Who is more willing to punish women if they get an abortion, “when” Roe v. Wade is overturned?

Oh and of course, who is going to advertise smaller government, safety and conservatism, while actually legislating away more and more of our freedoms. Scarring us with “terrorism” to continue broad, unending and unfair wars around the world. And push consumption of non-renewable resources all while ignoring environmental and human needs... and I'm talking about the Dems too... Ugh.

As you can tell, I might be a little over the whole “America” thing right now. I need a soy latte and a hug... Anyone?

Where was I... yes, while most of the debates were very typical. There were some kinda interesting questions.

Ron Paul: actually vaguely cool.

In a plot startlingly similar to George Orwell's 1984, a You Tuber confronts Ron Paul about his conspiracy theories concerning the movement to create a North American Union, combining the American, Canadian and Mexican governments.

Gay people: too icky to serve.

In this question the candidates are asked if they think gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve in the military. It's interesting to see how many of our future wanna be presidents openly endorse inequality and would legislate discrimination.

African Americans: just don't vote for them.

Here Giuliani equates getting the black vote immediately with welfare. Haha... Dumb ass. And you wonder why African Americans don't vote Republican.

Well, either way you look at it I encourage you to watch the whole debate. One of these men will be running for the White House soon enough and god knows he will not be talking like this when he wants to get our votes.

Written by Conrad Benner


Curtis said...

Thanks for the videos and commentary.

I'm a Ron Paul Republican. We don't all suck so badly. Historically both Republicans and Democrats were pretty cool. Both parties, on the whole, have morphed into one huge turd. Seek the politicians who appeal to your mammalian brain and don't try to tap your reptilian fear(Rudy). There is a small handful of people on both sides of the aisle who maintain their integrity.

Henwhisperer said...

Those aren't conspiracy theories - North American Union (NAU) and the Trans Texas Corridor - but are true, and going forward right now. NC's new drivers licenses have the hologram logo for the NAU on them.

I'd like to see Ron Paul make it for President but, sadly, the men in the back rooms have already decided the two who will run.