Sunday, November 25, 2007

Gay Marriage at City Hall

Saturday Mayor John Street presided over his first ever gay marriage ceremony at city hall. (And by 'preside over' I of course mean stand in a corner and try and not to get his photo taken.)

Unfortunately not a legal one, same sex unions are still illegal in the state of Pennsylvania. The event was seen as more of a favor to a friend. Although Street was pretty "cool" about it saying "[I] believe people have the right to have their relationships." ... WTF does that mean?!? That's like one step away from saying "I do not support gay marriage faggots." Gay.

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The couple, Ryan Bunch and Micah Mahjoubian (above) are about as hot as the temperature they share a screen with and seemed to look on the bright side of things, saying "As head of the city of Philadelphia, he lends legitimacy to what we've done today and that was important for us to do that in front of our friends and family."

Well, congratulations boys on the... same thing you were before. I hope one of you doesn't have to visit the other in a hospital soon... 'cause they don't let you do that.

Eh, I guess it's baby steps to equality.

And in case you've lost count: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, California, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii and of course New Jersey all offer same sex couples the same rights as opposite sex couples. It's just common sense.

Written by Conrad Benner, Some stuff from NBC10


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Jerra Void said...

yes lame

Jerra Void said...

and...what is this comment before me all about?